Born in Argentina the third of five children, EUGENIA PORELLO has been nurturing her artistic passion since childhood.
What started as a hobby encouraged by friends, turned into a way of life which led her to travel abroad and continue her self-directed journey into the discovery of the arts.
As an emerging self-taught artist, Porello paid her way painting and making portraits in Santa Cruz, CA, London, Amsterdam, Munich, and Italy (Bologna, Modena, Ginosa, Taranto). On her way through Amsterdam she met the American artist Jackson-Collins, who became her mentor and adviser in further developing her talents in Venice, CA.
Ironically, her teaching degree targeting Spanish speakers seeking to learn English, led to a successful career as a Spanish teacher to English speakers in the East Coast of USA! Education soon became yet another venue to channel her artistic and creative drive as Eugenia continues to nurture her passion for art and refines her pursuit to grow and discover new artistic muses and paths.