To look back, to take stock, to see the path travelled and ponder on what’s ahead and beyond…
The long hours at the shop are as intimate as they are magical. Audiobooks and podcasts smooth the creative flow as the hours pile up. Sore fingers, cuts, burns, the smell of metals, powdered, drilled, soldered, oxidized, polished, tumbled, wrapped, bent against their will, often getting their way, surrendering to a mysterious design, the summary of it all.
These are only some of my babies that flew off the nest and carry their lovely message to unsuspected horizons.

Dear customers..
Former strangers, new friends. You will forever have custody of these pieces which I envisioned, struggled to bring to life. You felt the energy, you saw the hands, you laid eyes on them and surrendered to what was meant to be! to make my pieces yours, or to give to a loved one, to carry them along your journeys and spread the magic of handmade art forms. For all that: thank you!